Amalia Ercoli Finzi: Curiosities about Technological Innovation

We report the words of Professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Professor Emerita of the Politecnico di Milano and Speaker at a past event for TechCamp@POLIMI Alumni.

Very true and valuable words, urging us to be curious, to learn, to understand what lies behind things, and, as a scientist, to understand what lies behind technology.

Technology advances rapidly, and while in the past “innovations were accessible and understandable to practically everyone, and the underlying principles could be quickly grasped,” now the complexity excludes most people from understanding.

“If we let people know nothing about what lies behind, we do not promote culture and we do not promote democracy.” Certainly, ideas are fundamental and drivers of innovation, but ideas alone are not enough; competence is needed: “The search for new things is inherent in us. Innovation has given us exceptional results only when supported by competence.” And “school is the foundation for then having the ideas that allow us to change the world.”

Read the news at the link: