Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions we have received about the TechCamp courses.

If you do not find the answer to your question on this page, do not hesitate to contact us!

How many courses do you offer?

Seven courses are planned for the 2025 edition: green energy, cybersecurity, coding, robotics, intelligent and autonomous vehicles, race car dynamics, artificial intelligence, sport engineering and human performance. Each course is held in more editions.

Who can enrol?

TechCamp courses are for secondary school students from the second year on. Students attending a four-year study course can enroll as early as the end of the 1st year.

How many places are there in each course?

To guarantee maximum teaching quality, TechCamp courses have a limited number of places. Each course will have a minimum of 25 students, up to a maximum of 30 per class.

How much does enrolment cost?

Enrolment in a week-long course costs €800, whether held in person or remotely.

Is it possible to apply for a scholarship?

For the 2025 edition, you can apply for a request of exemptions from the enrollment fee, offered by the project’s sponsor companies.  For more details, please refer to the allocation criteria

What does the enrolment fee include?.

The enrolment fee includes:

  • Access to the TechCamp lessons (6 hours for 5 days, from Monday to Friday);
  • Accident and civil responsibility insurance for the days at TechCamp;
  • Course participation certificate.

The enrolment fee does not include:

  • Board;
  • Insurance for the full refund of the enrolment fee;
  • Anything not listed under ‘The enrolment fee includes’.

For more information, please read the Complete Regulations of TechCamp.

How does the enrolment process work?

The enrolment process is divided into two stages. In the first stage (application), the students’ CVs are assessed and a merit ranking is compiled. In the second stage (enrolment), admitted students complete their enrolment and pay the fee.

What payment methods are accepted?

For the 2025 edition, we accept payments by bank transfer.

What happens during a typical day in the course?

The day begins with morning lessons at 9:30 am and finishes at 4:30 pm after the afternoon workshops. You can read about a typical day on this dedicated page.

I attend a technical institute. Are the TechCamp courses suitable for me?

Certainly! All secondary school students are welcome.

I attend a demanding secondary school and my average is not very high. Can I take part?

Apply anyway! In your motivational letter, you will be able to explain why you want to attend TechCamp and what motivates you.

I am not sure if I want to study engineering. Does it make sense for me to attend TechCamp?

Of course! You will be in contact with a particularly dynamic university, and you will be able to understand what you like or don’t like in order to make a more informed decision about your studies.

I’m afraid the courses might be too theoretical or maybe even boring.

Watch the interviews with students who attended last year’s edition and consider their level of satisfaction!

How can I contact you?

You can contact us using the form on the Contacts page or by email at