The thanks of the TechCamp@POLIMI 2024 students

The first week of TechCamp@POLIMI 2024 has come to an end!

Numerous students have wished to share with us the emotions experienced during TechCamp@POLIMI through letters and reflections, expressing a special gratitude towards the sponsors who, through their generous scholarships, allow many students to participate in this valuable educational experience!

The entire staff would like to thank not only the participants but also the parents who firmly believed in the project, with the hope of convincing and captivating them. Year after year, TechCamp@POLIMI strives to improve the offered experience, thanks in part to the valuable feedback received.

Once again, a big thank you to everyone!

The TechCamp@POLIMI staff.


I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the extraordinary opportunity you have granted me with the scholarship to attend the AI Bootcamp at the Politecnico di Milano. Your generous support has made possible an experience that will undoubtedly change the course of my life and my future. I come from a small town in Sicily, where resources and opportunities for those passionate about technology and innovation are often limited. Your scholarship has allowed me to overcome these barriers and immerse myself in a stimulating and cutting-edge environment. At TechCamp, I had the chance to learn from industry experts, work on innovative projects, and meet other young people with my same aspirations. Thanks to this experience, I was able to expand my knowledge of artificial intelligence, explore new technological frontiers, and strengthen my skills. But most importantly, it gave me renewed confidence in my abilities and the conviction that with commitment and dedication, I can achieve my dreams. Your support has not only had a significant impact on my educational journey but also represented a symbol of trust in my potential and my future. I assure you that I will treasure what I have learned and work with passion and determination to honor the opportunity I have been given. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and for giving me the chance to participate in this extraordinary camp. Your generosity has made a difference and will always be a source of inspiration for me.


Since I received the scholarship, I want to thank the sponsor who provided it as it allowed me to have a magnificent experience that will surely influence my university choice and consequently my life. I also believe it helped broaden my horizons, starting to enter the university world. I am deeply grateful.


Thank you to my sponsor for this great opportunity. This scholarship was a significant contribution towards my educational and professional development. The course gave me a huge amount of knowledge and also a lot of new acquaintances. I am honored and incredibly grateful for your support and generosity.


I am deeply grateful to have been chosen as a recipient of one of your scholarships to encourage participation in TechCamp2024. The experience has proven to be very interesting, offering me various insights and stimuli, and thus helping to guide my future academic and career choices. I thank you again for this enormous recognition, which also rewards the commitment and determination I have dedicated to the project.


I would like to thank you for the scholarship I received which allowed me to attend the ‘Coding’ course at the Politecnico of Milano. It was a very enriching, instructive and fun experience that confirmed what my passion is and what I want to do in the future. This week’s course allowed me to test myself with Python, a programming language I had never used before, and allowed me to meet people with my same interests to create what I hope will be just the first of a long series of video games I will make. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me.


At the conclusion of the week spent at the Politecnico to delve into the world of artificial intelligence and programming, I wanted to thank my sponsor very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in this course. It was a valuable occasion to study more deeply a topic that is increasingly relevant in today’s world and that could prove useful in any context. Moreover, it was an opportunity to get to know better the environment of the Politecnico, a university I will most likely apply to attend in the future, especially after this week. I had the chance to attend a meticulously organized course by expert students and professors, which allowed even those less versed in the subject to delve into and understand the topics covered. Finally, I had the opportunity to make valuable acquaintances with other equally motivated and interested students, which I hope to maintain in the coming years. Thank you again for the precious opportunity granted to me, I extend my best regards.


Dear Sponsor, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for awarding me the scholarship. Your generosity has not only provided me with financial support but has also greatly encouraged me in my future academic pursuits.Thanks to your support, I was able to focus more on my studies and take full advantage of the opportunities available at PoliMi TechCamp, allowing me to dedicate more time and energy to achieving my educational goals.Thank you once again for your kindness and support. I am deeply appreciative of your investment in my future.