The gratitude of the TechCamp@POLIMI 2024 students – continued


Dear sponsors, I thank you very much for the generous scholarship you offered me, allowing me to attend TechCamp@POLIMI at the Politecnico di Milano. Your sponsorship gave me the chance to participate in a unique and undoubtedly useful opportunity for my future studies. Thanks to your support, I was able to enrich my knowledge at one of the most prestigious institutions in Italy and Europe. During the camp, I acquired new skills and connected with high-level teachers and students. I am grateful for the trust you have shown in me, and for this, I will strive to make the most of this experience and share it with my friends and classmates. Your contribution has been important to my educational journey as it allowed me to begin discovering the university environment. Once again, thank you for your valuable support.


Dear sponsor, I wanted to thank you personally for the opportunity you gave me to pay for my stay at TechCamp@POLIMI. I immensely enjoyed following a one-week course on coding. Having the occasion to approach this subject for the first time, I learned the methods of speaking to a computer, which increased my awareness about my future. This gave me a lifetime experience, which I will never forget.


I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for sponsoring me and allowing me to attend the summer course “Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles” organized by the Politecnico di Milano. Thanks to your generous support, I had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in the field of vehicle automation. This course allowed me to closely observe the work of experienced engineers, acquiring important theoretical notions in the morning and valuable practical insights during the afternoon activities. I experienced firsthand the advanced technologies used in autonomous vehicles, such as laser sensors for obstacle detection and vehicle control. This experience was incredibly inspiring and reinforced my passion for technology and engineering. The course provided me with practical tools and theoretical knowledge that will be fundamental for my future academic and professional endeavors. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this extraordinary opportunity possible. Your support has had a significant impact on my educational path and professional aspirations.


Dear Sponsor, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your generous scholarship donation. Your support has made a significant impact on my education journey and I am truly grateful. Attending this program was my first and also incredibly transformative experience, exceeding all my expectations. I left the program delighted, enriched with new memories and knowledge, just wishing it could have lasted longer. Although it was only for 1 week, it has undoubtedly played a significant role in establishing a foundation for my future career. Without the support of this scholarship, participation in such an event would have been beyond my reach. This motivated me to make the most out of the opportunity, and I believe I have done so successfully. I really appreciate your investment in my future and education. Thank you once again for your kindness.


Dear Sponsor, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for awarding me the scholarship that enabled me to participate in the course on autonomous vehicles at the Politecnico di Milano. This opportunity has been a fundamental step in my education and has allowed me to acquire skills in a highly advanced field. Your support is not only of economic value but also represents a true incentive to pursue my goals with dedication and passion. Thanks to your generosity, I can approach this educational journey with greater peace of mind and focus entirely on my learning and skill development. I hope that one day I will be able to give back what I have received, contributing in turn to technological progress.


Dear Sponsor, with this letter, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for awarding me the scholarship to participate in the Robotics course of the TechCamp@POLIMI project. I recognize the importance of this support and the great opportunity it represents, and I see this scholarship as a true incentive to commit myself even more tenaciously to achieving my academic and professional goals. During the week-long course at the Politecnico di Milano, I not only had the opportunity to interact with peers who share similar ambitions and interests but also, and more importantly, to experience the university environment and deepen my passion for robotics. I am aware of the significance this experience has had and will continue to have in the coming years, especially considering the increasing importance of this sector both in a professional context and in daily life. I renew my heartfelt thanks for the trust you have placed in me.


I would like to thank the sponsors for giving me the opportunity to participate in TechCamp@POLIMI. This week has been wonderful; not only was I able to pursue my passions in the field of mechanical engineering, but I also made new friendships that made this experience even more enchanting. I am truly grateful for the scholarship awarded to me because through TechCamp, I finally understood that engineering is the university path I want to pursue. Every day, I woke up eager to attend classes and learn new things, also having the opportunity to engage in laboratory activities in the afternoons. I hope this initiative continues in the coming years because I believe it is one of the best experiences I have ever had.


I wish to express my sincere gratitude for granting me this valuable scholarship. I am extremely grateful for the trust you have placed in me. Thanks to you, I have had the opportunity to experience a new academic environment, gain valuable new experiences, and meet extraordinary people. This experience will not only provide significant motivation for my post-high school choices but will also be an important asset for my future career. The program has allowed me to expand my English language skills, a competence of crucial importance today. I am deeply thankful to you for recognizing my hard work over the past three years of high school. However, I do not see this recognition as an endpoint but rather as a starting point. Indeed, it will spur me to strive with even greater dedication and determination. I have committed myself to making the best use of the resources and opportunities you have provided to positively contribute to my academic and, above all, personal growth. Lastly, I can say that such opportunities do not come every day, and this will be a memory that will stay with me for a lifetime. Thank you very much for giving me the chance to live this fantastic experience!