The professors at the Summer School introduce the 7 technological courses of 2024:
AI BOOTCAMP: Artificial Neural Networks and Computer Vision (NEW!) Proff. M.Matteucci e G.Borracchi
GREEN ENERGY: Pillars and dreams Prof. P.Gaetani
MOBILITY: Towards Autonomous Vehicles Prof. M.Corno
MOBILITY: Race car dynamics Proff. S.Melzi e M.Vignati
CYBERSECURITY and HACKING: doing the unexpected Proff. S.Zanero e M.Polino
CODING: Python, a language for the inventors of worlds Proff. F.Bruschi e G.Palermo
ROBOTICS: the art of intelligent motion Proff. P.Rocco e G.Incremona
Professor Matteo Boracchi from the Artificial Intelligence course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Paolo Gaetani from the Green Energy di TechCamp@POLIMI course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Matteo Corno from the Mobility Intelligent and autonomous vehicles course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Michele Vignati from the Mobility race car dynamics course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Stefano Zanero from the Cybersecurity course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Francesco Bruschi from the Coding course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!
Professor Paolo Rocco and Professor Gian Paolo Incremona from the Robotics course at TechCamp@POLIMI presents the topics that will be covered in the June Summer School!