Robotics: the art of intelligent motion

The course

In this course, we will delve into the world of robots, primarily focusing on industrial robots. We will explore various aspects, from their functions to programming, to understand their role in modern industry. Our focus will be on robots used in manufacturing, such as those employed in automobile production and other goods, analyzing the reasons for their use, how they operate, and how they are programmed to optimize their performance.

We will also examine the robotics market, including data on robot sales and the countries where they are most prevalent, to understand the trends and reasons behind this expanding phenomenon. We will explore various types of industrial robots, from classic anthropomorphic ones to next-generation models, thus broadening our understanding of the field of robotics.

Moving on to technical aspects, we will provide an overview of robot kinematics, describing how their movement is articulated and the relationship between individual joints and the end effector. We will also discuss programming languages used to control robots, providing an overview of how they are programmed and made autonomous, without delving too deeply into the specifics.

We will also explore innovative programming methodologies, such as teaching by demonstration, where robots can learn through demonstration, offering an interactive and practical experience to participants.

Next, we will address the practical aspect of robot movement, examining motors, actuators, sensors, and the decision-making process necessary to effectively pilot them.

The lessons will be highly interactive, with the opportunity to discuss and delve into theoretical topics through a dedicated platform and practical laboratories in the afternoon.

A visit to the robotics laboratory at the “Il Merlin” Polytechnic will give participants the opportunity to observe robotic manipulators in action, while they will have the chance to use a small multifunctional manipulator to apply the knowledge learned during the course and carry out small projects autonomously.

Where will it take place?

At the Leonardo Campus in Milan (MM Piola)

When will it take place?

Weeks from June 9th to 13th and from June 16th to 20th