Room and board

Room and board services in Milan and Lecco

For those arriving from outside the city to take part in TechCamp, we have organised a special offer. Contact Ostello Bello to take advantage of discounted prices, and stay in the same area of the hostel as the other students in the course.

Ostello Bello has created an exclusive voucher that can be used directly on the website to book a stay at one of the affiliated hostels, Ostello Bello Grande Centrale or Ostello Bello Duomo.

By using the 15% discount code, you can book at either of the two hostels.

At Ostello Bello Grande Centrale, rooms are available with 4, 5, or 6 beds, while at Ostello Bello Duomo, rooms are available with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 beds.

Once the booking is confirmed, it’s important to send an email, stating that the reservation is associated with TechCamp. This way, students will be assigned to a dedicated area of the hostel and will have the opportunity to make new friends.

For Ostello Bello Grande Centrale, write to,
and for Ostello Bello Duomo, write to

Alternatively, students can stay in one of the many partner facilities of the Politecnico di Milano, either in residence halls or rooms and apartments. The complete list can be viewed on the dedicated page, together with all the information required for discounted booking.

For the course ‘Sport Engineering and Human Performance’ that will take place in Lecco, click here to discover the accommodations closest to the Lecco campus of Politecnico di Milano

Management of student stays in Milan or Lecco outside of TechCamp lessons is the direct responsibility of students and their families.