Regulations for the summer school at Politecnico di Milano
TechCamp is an initiative developed by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (hereafter ‘Fondazione’) held in the spaces of the Politecnico di Milano (hereafter ‘Politecnico’). The TechCamp initiative forms part of the university education programme. It consists of a technological campus organised into different weekly sessions running from the 9th of June 2025 until the 27th of June 2025, from Monday to Friday, for secondary school students starting from the second year if the curriculum is five-years alternatively starting from the end of the first year if the curriculum is four-years. This initiative will be held in the Leonardo and Bovisa Campus (situated in the city of Milan) and in Lecco campus (in the town of Lecco), hereafter called ‘Facility’.
TechCamp is open to Italian or foreign students from all secondary schools, for a maximum of 500 students. All TechCamp sessions are organised with a limited number of places, to guarantee the quality of the activities themselves. It is not possible to enrol in sessions already in progress.
These regulations are essential for admission, enrolment and participation in TechCamp. All participants (hereafter ‘Students’ or ‘Student’) therefore accept the content herein and undertake to comply with them.
Any occasional visitors, authorised chaperones of participating Students or legally authorised representatives of Students under 18 must hereby accept, adhere to and comply with these regulations.
TechCamp will take place during the following weeks:
1st session: from Monday 09/06/2025 to Friday 13/06/2025;
2nd session: from Monday 16/06/2025 to Friday 20/06/2025;
3rd session: from Monday 23/06/2025 to Friday 27/06/2025.
The course titles envisaged for 2025 are:
– ‘Python: a language for the inventors of worlds’
– ‘Cybersecurity and hacking: doing the unexpected’
– ‘Robotics: the art of intelligent motion’
– ‘Intelligent and autonomous vehicles’
– ‘Racing car dynamics’
– ‘Green energy: pillars and dreams’
– “AI Bootcamp: A Gentle Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Computer Vision”
– “Sport Engineering and Human Performance”
Each course will be organized in either a single or multiple editions, at the Milan campuses of Leonardo and Bovisa, and at the Lecco campus for the “Sport Engineering and Human Performance” course.
The lessons will be held by university professors, PhD students and researchers selected by Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Politecnico. All courses will be held in English. Course information, programme and schedule can be consulted on the website
Each Student may take part in one or more courses and in different editions. At the end of the course, Students who have participated in at least 80% of the course will receive a certificate of attendance.
Daily course activities will take place from Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, and from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
Lunch break is from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm, during which Students will be independent, free to leave the Facility and not subject to any supervision by the organisers of TechCamp, and therefore not subject in terms of insurance, accidents and civil responsibility.
Therefore, Students under 18 must have authorisation from their parents and/or legal guardian to leave the Facility alone during lunch break and at the end of daily lessons. This is an essential condition for participation in TechCamp.
Failure of the parent and/or legal guardian to submit this authorisation means the Student may not participate in TechCamp and may not complete enrolment.
Authorization of parents will also be necessary to allow any movement of students under 18 between the locations of the Politecnico di Milano – (Bovisa, Leonardo campuses and Lecco campus), in order to visit some specialized laboratory or to allow the participation at the final Techcamp event, which will be organized on Friday at Leonardo campus. The movement of students between Politecnico’ locations could take place either independently by public transport or by private transport services organized by Fondazione Politecnico to facilitate the transit of students.
Each course will have a minimum of 25 students and a maximum of 30 students per class. Each course will be held only if the minimum of 25 participants per class is reached.
The organiser, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (hereafter ‘Organiser’), reserves the right to change the programme and/or schedule of TechCamp courses due to any teaching requirements, and to replace the professors already possibly indicated with experts of the same professional level, giving due notice. The Organiser also reserves the right to cancel one or more editions of TechCamp for reasons beyond its control and/or if the minimum number of participants is not reached.
The Organiser also reserves the right to cancel in-person editions should the pandemic not allow courses to be held at the Politecnico di Milano Facility due to safety reasons. In this case, where possible, students will be offered online participation (excluding the robotics course, which will not be held online).
In the event of cancellation for the above-mentioned reasons, enrolled Students will have the right solely to a refund of the fees already paid, hereby waiving any other financial and/or claim for compensation for whatever reason.
The enrolment fee for each course is equal to €800.00 (excluding VAT Article 10). The sum will be paid at enrolment to the Fondazione, which is responsible for the administrative and organisational management of the project. In the event of participation in more than one course in multiple weekly editions, the enrolment fee for each week is equal to € 720.00 (excluding VAT Article 10).
The enrolment fee includes:
– Access to TechCamp lessons (6 hours for 5 days, from Monday to Friday);
– Accident and civil responsibility insurance for the days at TechCamp;
– Course attendance certificate.
The enrolment fee does not include:
– Board;
– Insurance for the full refund of the enrolment fee;
– Anything not listed under ‘The enrolment fee includes’.
The TechCamp admission phase will open on 17 February 2025. For Students under 18, the application to TechCamp must also be completed with the information of the person holding ‘parental authority’, namely the parent or legal guardian of the minor for whom the course application is being prepared.
The application must be completed online on the TechCamp webpage, which is available at, even in the version reserved for Students under 18. In the online application, the Students or parent/legal guardian of Students under 18 can indicate their preferred courses and weekly modules.
Indicating one’s preferences is in no way binding. It is merely an indication for assigning courses and weekly modules, without entitling the Student to any right to refund, compensation and/or claim for whatever cause or reason if the expressed order of preference is not respected.
The application must be completed in full online no later than 31 March 2025, the deadline for the first phase of admission to the Techcamp courses.
Students — also through their parent and/or legal guardian — who have submitted an application to participate in TechCamp as per ART. 5 above, will be subject to a pre-selection stage (hereafter ‘Pre-selection Stage’), in which the Students admitted to take part in TechCamp will be selected.
The evaluation phase of the profiles is scheduled for the period of April 2025.
Together with the application, students must:
– complete the online motivation letter (minimum 2,000 characters, spaces included) for participation in the course.
– attach a copy of their final school report card for the 2023/2024 academic year
– attach a copy of their identification document, and if a minor, also of the identification of the parent
The documentation presented in the application stage will be evaluated by a specially appointed TechCamp academic committee (hereafter the ‘TechCamp Committee’).
For applications duly received and deemed admissible insofar as they contain all the requested documentation, the Committee will assign a score of up to 20 points based on the following criteria:
– final report card average for the 2023/2024 academic year (from 1 to 10);
– motivational letter (from 1 to 10).
For equal scores, the date of the pre-enrolment application will be considered.
At the end of the evaluation process, the TechCamp organisator and the Scientific Committee established by Politecnico di Milano university, having considered the points scored, the weeks available, the preferences expressed in the application and the availability of the courses in each weekly module, will select the students accepted to participate in TechCamp.
This admissions procedure will be based on the incontestable decisions of the TechCamp organization and Scientific Committee responsible for examining the applications received.
Students will be placed in the courses and weekly modules according to their position in the ranking, in line with the availability of places and based on the order of preferences expressed.
This does not entitle Students to any right to refund, compensation and/or claim for any cause and/or reason if the order of preference expressed in their application is not respected.
Students, students under 18 and their parents/legal guardians are informed of and hereby expressly approve that the TechCamp Committee will evaluate the applications at its discretion, and they hereby expressly agree not to raise objections about the decision-making process and/or the decision made by the Committee.
Students interested in applying for an exemption from the enrolment fee must express this preference when completing the application, clearly stating it in the motivational letter (max 2,000 characters).
For the selection process, the ISEE document (only for Italian students) must be attached only if the family income is below 40,000 euros, and the student intends to apply for the exemption based on both economic and scholastic criteria.
If the ISEE document is not submitted (in case of foreign students), the exemption will be granted based exclusively on scholastic merit, without consideration of the student’s financial situation.
Applications for the exemption will be prioritized for students who have submitted their application by March 31, 2025.
Exemptions will be awarded first to students who meet both scholastic merit and financial requirements.
In case of further availability, they will be allocated solely based on the merit ranking.
Students admitted without payment, will still be responsible for costs related to travel, meals, and accommodation. The exemption covers only the cost of the enrolment fee (art.4).
The admission of the student to TechCamp, based on the evaluation of the applications submitted between February 17 and March 31, 2025, will be communicated by no later than May 2, 2025, to the email address provided in the application.
The subsequent phase of registration for TechCamp will be possible only after receiving the confirmation email, by completing the online registration form available on the website
In case of withdrawal from participation in TechCamp by admitted students, the Organizer, based on actual availability, may also consider admission requests received after March 31, 2025.
If there is still availability in the various courses, the Organizer reserves the right to proceed with a new selection among the applications received after March 31, until the available positions for 2025 are filled.
Admission and participation in TechCamp are non-transferable.
Students selected and exempted from the payment of the enrolment fee, will receive communication of admission to the course with exemption from the registration fee.
After notification of admission to TechCamp, the Student or parent/legal guardian of a Student under 18 must complete the enrolment by filling out the online enrolment form on the website and pay the enrolment fee to Fondazione Politecnico via bank transfer. The payment of the fee will ensure automatically the enrolment of the student in the course.
ATTENTION: The bank transfer from non-European countries will have to be made in the OUR charges mode. This mode stipulates that the charges are covered solely by who made the payment, who will also bear the fees charged by the receiving bank. In case the transfer made by participants from non-European countries is not made in the OUR charges mode, it will not be possible to confirm the registration
Following receipt of payment, the Fondazione will issue a regular invoice within 30 days (before the course starting date). A copy of the invoice will be sent at the e-mail address of the adult indicated in the online enrolment form for payments.
Online enrolment for TechCamp will be open from 2 May 2025 to 12 May 2025
Nevertheless, the Organiser may extend the closing date for online enrolment if deemed necessary, giving due notice.
The Organiser reserves the right not to accept enrolment applications or admit Students in the event of a failure to pay and/or only partially pay the enrolment fee.
Following receipt of payment, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano will issue a regular invoice within 30 day and, in any case, before the starting date of the courses.
For Students under 18, the invoice will be issued to the parent and/or legal guardian who completed the enrolment application. The enrolment application is personal and non-transferrable.
At the time of online enrolment on the website, a printable version of the enrolment form can be downloaded for submission on the first day of the course, together with annex 1.
ATTENTION: Annex 1 signed by student and parents (if student is a minor) in original is mandatory and it is a fundamental requirement for access to the first day of lesson.
Copies of the original document annex 1, will not be accepted.
The document includes:
– regulations signed by the student and parent (for students under 18)
– authorisation from the parent and/or legal guardian for the child and/or minor to leave the Facility unaccompanied during lunch break or during the transfer between the locations of Politecnico di Milano (for students under 18)
– the consent form for the use of images for the purposes
– the privacy statement on personal data processing according to EU Regulation 2016/679, bearing the signature of the student and/or parent (for students under 18)
In the event of a cancellation communicated by the Student and/or parent/legal guardian no later than two weeks prior to the starting date of the selected course, the sum paid for enrolment will be refunded, net of 10%, which will be withheld by the Fondazione.
In the event of cancellation following this date, the entire sum paid for enrolment will be withheld by the Fondazione.
In the event TechCamp is not held due to a failure to reach the minimum number of students per class and/or circumstances beyond its control, the enrolment fee paid by the Student will be refunded in full.
Students under 18 may be enrolled by their adult guardian (parent and/or legal guardian) IF AND ONLY IF the same person declares by signing the enrolment form and these regulations that there is no impediment to participation in TechCamp.
For afternoon activities, each Student must have a personal laptop computer. Any more specific indications regarding the laptop requirements and/or necessary software installations will be provided by course professors and communicated to participants upon notification of admission to the course.
It is forbidden to take any object/equipment belonging to the Politecnico and/or Fondazione provided to Students outside the TechCamp Facility.
Students will use the spaces of the Facility in which TechCamp will be held and all materials and equipment provided by the organisers of TechCamp and/or brought by the Students themselves with the utmost care and diligence, and they will closely follow all instructions provided by the organisers of TechCamp to ensure the safety of all other Students and third parties.
Each Student, or parent/legal guardian of the Student under 18, holds exclusive responsibility and undertakes to release the Politecnico and Fondazione, as well as their freelance personnel, employees and/or consultants from liability for damage or losses suffered, whether directly or indirectly, by the Student at the TechCamp Facility, the equipment it contains, other Students participating in TechCamp and/or any third parties, as well as damage caused by third parties due to the fault of the same.
All students participating in TechCamp are covered by insurance which will respond when required and under the applicable conditions.
More specifically, Students are covered by the accident insurance stipulated by Fondazione Politecnico and by the civil responsibility insurance stipulated by the Politecnico. The Fondazione Politecnico di Milano deems itself liable only and exclusively in terms of the limits envisaged by the insurance policies stipulated above, as expressly acknowledged by the signatories.
Therefore, Students and the parents/legal guardians of Students under 18 hereby undertake to forego any action for further compensation and/or damages from the Fondazione, Politecnico and all its contractors, staff, employees, professors and experts involved in the organisation, management and execution of TechCamp for any accident and/or event that may happen to Students and/or third parties during TechCamp activities.
Each Student must follow the instructions of TechCamp employees and organisers.
By way of example, Students must not:
– use the equipment in any way other than for the purposes for which it was provided;
– create hazardous situations for themselves and/or others;
– pester other TechCamp participants with incorrect conduct;
– overlook elementary hygiene and safety standards.
At their own discretion and without any liability, the TechCamp organisers reserve the right to definitively interrupt participation in TechCam of any Student who behaves inappropriately, in an unsportsmanlike manner or against the interests of the healthy and correct progress of TechCamp, or anyone acting in breach of these regulations (for example: failure to comply with the regulations, disputes with other participants, etc.).
The excluded Student is not entitled to any refund of the enrolment fee.
Given the enrolment methods for TechCamp, the Fondazione, Politecnico and their freelance personnel and/or employees and/or consultants do not take any responsibility for technical malfunctions of hardware or software, Internet connection interruptions, unsuccessful, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, illegible, damaged, lost, delayed, incorrectly addressed and/or blocked enrolments, Student enrolments that were not received for whatever reason, electronic or other communications that were delayed for whatever reason, and/or any other technical problem regarding enrolment and/or when uploading content during the TechCamp application and enrolment phase.
Neither the Politecnico nor Fondazione are liable for the loss/theft of any Students’ valuables left unattended within the TechCamp Facility. In this regard, it is hereby declared that no valuables will be in any way safeguarded by the organisers of TechCamp nor will the Student be reimbursed for any losses or stolen valuables.
At the beginning of the lessons, all Students present will be recorded in special electronic registers by the TechCamp staff, to confirm their attendance. Following the lunch break, the times of the Students’ re-entry will also be recorded. Students will be able to report their presence at lessons thanks to a special registration tool using the QR Code, present in each classroom. In case of absence by the minor student, the parent is required to justify the absence by writing to Any days missed by the Student and/or absences and/or late attendance may not be recovered in the modules in subsequent weeks or in any way refunded and/or compensated. Only in the event of prolonged illness (minimum four days missed in a row) and following submission of a medical certificate, will the Organiser of TechCamp, based on availability, assess the Student’s request to make up the missed lessons in one of the sessions the following week (if it’s possible) If the Student voluntarily withdraws from TechCamp at any time, no refund is envisaged.
Students may not linger for any reason in laboratories, workshops or other spaces that do not constitute part of the TechCamp Facility, nor is it permitted to remain in the Facility to use university equipment and materials for activities that are not strictly connected to TechCamp. Students are forbidden to install, for any purposes, any software and/or programs subject to the Politecnico copyright on their own computers and/or electronic devices unless it is specifically provided for in the lesson plan and/or suggested by professors for teaching activities. Students are personally responsible for any consequences deriving from failure to comply with these restrictions and with any other copyright protection regulations. Access to the internet is permitted solely for participation in TechCamp and in compliance with the methods specifically established by teaching staff and/or the Organisers of TechCamp. Students may not evade and/or breach any filters and/or access limitations set by the Politecnico or Fondazione for the purposes of illegal and/or inappropriate use or to contain costs. Personal use outside of TechCamp activities is not permitted.
The Fondazione may take photographs and/or make video recordings of Students during TechCamp activities strictly for educational-teaching purposes (posters, data sheets, documentaries), namely to promote the Fondazione itself and for project circulation purposes. By participating in the event, the Students pictured and/or their parents/legal guardians have the power to grant the Fondazione the right to publish free of charge the images sent or collected by the Fondazione for the purposes mentioned above, directly or through its appointees in leaflets, brochures, magazines, on the website, social media and any other media, as well as to use the same for events organised by the Fondazione. The Student and/or parent/legal guardian authorises the transfer of the images to parent/subsidiary/associated third party structures, as well as to the Politecnico di Milano and TechCamp sponsors, which will handle the images as independent data controllers. Therefore, pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, by signing the consent forms and privacy statement below, the student, or parents and/or legal guardians of students under 18 have the power (and not the obligation) to consent to the processing of images for the purposes indicated above.
Pursuant to EU Regulation EU 2016/679, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, as Data Controller, informs you that consent to the processing of even sensitive personal data of Students, the parents/legal guardians of Students under 18, and the Students under 18 themselves, is given exclusively for the preliminary purpose of managing applications and enrolments in TechCamp, as well as any related purposes, such as communication and orientation activities. A special information sheet is provided in the pre-enrolment stage with the option for the Fondazione to provide another information sheet following the final enrolment stage.
These regulations may be changed at any time; such changes will be communicated on the website. In the event of conflicts between the regulations and any modifications, the latter will prevail. The modified regulations will be effective once published on the website, without any need for express acceptance from the Students and/or parents/legal guardians of Students under 18.
The Court of Milan holds exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes that may arise regarding any activity within the scope of TechCamp or these regulations, as well as their execution, breach or interpretation.
Milano, 21/01/2025