They talk about us: TechCamp@POLIMI 2024

In the 2025 QS ranking, Politecnico di Milano (111th globally) once again stands out as the best Italian university. The significant improvement of 16 positions compared to the previous year highlights the continued excellence of this institution.

This result was made possible by important factors that contributed to achieving this position. Politecnico di Milano ranks among the world’s top 100 universities in terms of academic and business reputation: it ranks 90th for the Academic Reputation and 82th for the Employer Reputation.

Positive results were also achieved for the International faculty, with 10 positions gained thanks to internationalisation actions and 251 positions gained for sustainability: this is the effect of the actions carried out over the past year, many of which were promoted by the University’s Strategic Sustainability Plan.…/qs-university-ranking…