Technical requirements PC TechCamp@POLIMI 2024

As we prepare for the TechCamp@POLIMI 2024 edition, let’s discover the technical requirements for participating in the courses!

Hardware Requirements

First and foremost, you will need to bring a laptop: not a tablet, not a smartphone, because the software we will use is available only as PC programs and not as smartphone apps.

Regarding the laptop, there are no particular requirements: any mid-range laptop from the past few years will be sufficient. Whether it is a machine with Windows, GNU/Linux, or an Apple Macbook with macOS, it will most likely meet the technical requirements for the TechCamp@POLIMI 2024 courses.

Most classrooms at Politecnico are equipped with power outlets; some “computerized” classrooms have an outlet for each seat.

Software Requirements

The main software requirement is having the Office suite, whether the installed version or the web app, to follow along with slides, take notes, and write reports.

The other specific software needed for each course is indicated on the respective pages: CodingCybersecurityIntelligent and autonomous vehiclesAI BootcampRoboticsRace Car Dynamics e Green Energy.

University Wi-Fi Connection

In all classrooms at the Politecnico and around the campus, you can use the PoliMi Wi-Fi connection. You can activate the connection by following the instructions on the ICT portal.


For any questions, technical issues, or information, you can contact us at the dedicated email: